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The Alexander Technique changes lives.


We all deserve to reclaim the natural movement we had as a toddler. Everyone should be able to move without pain.


Although it is best to work with a certified teacher, these websites can help you undertand the basic principles of the Alexander Technique.




I am continually amazed at the changes I see in my patients who have studied the AT with Ellen Melamed. Her work enables them to learn to prevent injury and establish a deeper sense of ease and balance. They begin to move their spine and muscles more easily and with better balance, thus requiring far less frequent chiropractic care.

Dr. Emily Davidson, DC, PA-C, New York City, NY


I have been practicing family medicine ( in Tucson since 2001. Ever since my first encounter with Ellen in February 2014, I and my patients have benefitted greatly from the two minute  twice daily routine to decrease shoulder soreness upon waking, lower back pain and the discomfort of sitting at a computer. My singing and instrumental playing have also improved. She helped my 16 year old son learn to play the cello more effectively after just one lesson. Tuscon is so lucky to have Ellen residing here and sharing her magical talent teaching people the Alexander Technique. Her effectiveness in helping people with musculoskeletal pain surpasses many conventional physical, occupational and medical treatments.

Dr. Li Schmidt, MD, Tucson, AZ


As someone who has studied and searched for effective answers to piano technique issues for many years Ellen's instruction in Alexander Technique has proven to be a watershed discovery in my personal work as a pianist. The work to apply the Technique is quite welcome because it leads to greater ease and proficiency- actually to a level of coordination and facility undreamed of, because I had not previously experienced it. Taken together, the insights of AT provide a cogent toolbag with  which to solve any problem a musician faces.


Paul J. Kohler, composer, pianist. Tucson, AZ



I've had chronic shoulder pain for years, perhaps because I paint for long hours. Ellen introduced me to the AT as a way to ease shoulder pain. After my first session I learned SO much! Ellen listened carefully as I explained my hectic lifestyle as a student and an artist. She taught me techniques that I can use daily to reduce strain. Within a couple of sessions, I became aware of activities and habits that add tension to my shoulders and I was able to reverse it with the techniques Ellen shared during our lessons. It is Ellen's sensitive care, knowledge and attention to detail that has corrected my shoulder pain!

Sowmya Ghosh, PhD student and artist, Tuscon, AZ


I've spent several years studying the AT in NYC to improve my posture and ease back pain, and I haven't had back pain in 25 years as a result of what I learned. Once a friend came up behind me on the streets of NYC and said "I knew it was you because your posture is so fantastic!" I have seen my own students benefit from Ellen's teaching in their vocal production, their self-confidence, and the way in which they carry themselves.The AT is essential for performers.

David Ward, Visiting Opera Director, University of North Texas


I first went to see Ellen because I had trouble with my shoulders. I didn't know anything about the Technique or what to expect. But even if I had known, that information could not have adequately described the incredible gifts that Ellen would give. Her lessons helped my shoulders and taught me how to live well in my body. More inportant, the breadth of her experience and interests, her thoughtful, caring, listening and responses taught me how to live well with myself. One small example- thanks to Ellen, I now have drawing and painting as a very important part of my life.

Susan L. Grossman, MPA, RN, Artist, Director of Nursing, Epic.Montefiore Medical Center,

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, NY


The AT opened my eyes to the human body. Experiencing adjustments and stretching, along with listening to Ellen explain alignment, helped me become aware of moving my bones along with my muscles. I have been able to improve my posture, and as a group fitness instructor of individuals ages 20-85, I am pleased to share AT information with my classes.

Kathleen Corff Rogers, Buffalo, NY


With the AT, I am now actively thinking about my daily activities, as well as my singing. I start wondering why I hold my rib cage up or why I tilt my head when I listen to music. By incorporating this in my daily life I am creating an awareness of myself. With this and constructive rest I am growing physically, mentally, and musically.


Michelle Marie Perrier, Vocal Performer, UA Graduate Student, Tucson, AZ



Contact: (917) 319-6311

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